Zach Johnson


ZJ Building

Understanding Financials




I’m Zach Johnson, the Managing Director at ZJ Building, a family-run boutique builder in Adelaide specialising in extensions and renovations.

Before my journey with APB, I'll admit, I was somewhat lost in the wilderness. My approach to business was unstructured, especially when it came to quoting projects. There's one instance that sticks out—a complex second-story addition that, upon completion, resulted in no profit for me. In fact, I inadvertently subsidised the project for the client. It was a wake-up call that something needed to change.

Searching for a Solution

Initially, I sought guidance from a different coaching group but found little value there. My search continued until APB appeared on my radar. The moment I engaged with them, I knew I had found something different.

My commitment to professionalism and elevating the building industry resonated deeply with APB's values. This shared vision made my decision to join them an easy one.

A New Perspective on Professionalism

One of the major challenges in our industry is the undervaluation of our professionalism. Too often, builders give away their time for free, without realising their worth. This mindset needs to change, and it's a value that APB and I share.

When I realised this, it was an absolute no-brainer to sign up. APB teaches builders to educate their clients on the importance of valuing their time, which in turn, improves the experience for everyone involved.

Transformative Lessons from APB

Joining APB revolutionised how I run ZJ Building, particularly in how we price projects and ensure profitability. The lessons on the difference between markup and margin, industry benchmarks, understanding fixed expenses, and recognising our break-even point were game-changers.

These aren't topics commonly discussed or taught in school, but they're critical for running a successful business. Knowledge of these areas empowers you during client negotiations, ensuring you don't compromise your profitability.

Looking to the Future

Since partnering with APB, ZJ Building has seen remarkable growth. Last year, we managed 15 to 20 projects, totalling about 3 million in revenue.

This year, we're on track to double that. It's clear evidence of the strength and sustainability that professional guidance and proper business practices can bring to a company like ours.

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